Hi, I'm

Udoka Onyedum

Digital Marketer

What this means is that it’s my job to navigate the technical landscape to create and manage campaigns that allow you better reach your market online.  In other words, I help you promote your stuff online.

My work typically consists of

  • Creating a strong online presence for your brand
  • Designing and managing your websites to keep them at peak performance
  • Running paid advertisements to drive sales online
  • Implementing effective sales funnels to drive a steady stream of new clients to your business

Why You Should Care

In today's digital age, a well-designed and intentional digital presence is paramount for businesses to thrive. It serves as the virtual storefront, often making the first impression on potential customers.

With increasing competition online, having a professional website can differentiate businesses from their competitors, boosting credibility and trust among consumers. 71% of small businesses have their own websites and every major corporation has at least one website. In today's interconnected world, a good website is indispensable for anyone seeking to succeed and grow. 

Today, a lot of businesses still opt for the brick and mortar approach to business and completely neglect the potential value to be gained from taking their business online.

As more and more business is conducted online, the channels for acquiring clients also move more online. 

We live in an age where there is increasing competition for the attention of the masses, and your competition is always spending large amounts of money to capture attention. With the quick pace of development in digital marketing, you will need to keep up and compete differntly in order to continue to have a successful business.

If you are a business owner or brand with low digital presence, no predictable inflow of new customers and does not know how to turn your situation or simply don't have the time, then I am just what you're looking for.

My background in Engineering and Tech has made me an excellent problem solver. Coupled with my digital marketing prowess and entrepreneurship experience, I am suited to working with business owners going online for the first time. As well as those already online, but want to evolve or take their business in a new direction.

Professional Skills

  • Website Design and Development

  • Workflow Optimization

  • Copy Writing

  • Online Advertising

What I Build Best

  • Small Business Websites

  • Sales Page and Payment Integrations

  • E Commerce Website

  • Online Sales Frameworks

  • Paid Ad Campaigns

My Philosophy

I believe technology is a tool that should be used to help you reach your goals faster. This "goal-oriented" thinking has allowed me, my clients and partners to build and scale profitable ventures, regardless of what channels or technology we opt to use.

Instead of focusing on tactics, tricks and hacks, my philosophy is to focus on the best "strategy" to achieve my goals.

I have found that when I work WITH my clients to better understand their goals, we have a much easier time creating the strategies to get us there. With the right strategy in place to act as a guiding hand, I can better leverage my skills and technology to create something that is truly beautiful and very functional. This is how I have found that I can ultimately create the most value from my work.

My philosophy can be summarized simply as;

Goal Oriented Thinking
Strategy over Tactics
Solve Problems, Create Value

My Other Interests

I am passionate about my work and I deeply love wat I do. An while I'd love to create beautiful websites every minute of every day, I also have a life outside of web development.

Here's the summary;

Engineering and Technology

I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering with 2+ years of direct experience and several interesting projects in the field. I love to tinker and build and I'm only going to continue and develop this part of myself

Artificial Intelligence

I discovered the power of AI in 2023 and since then I have made generative AI a part of my daily life. I spend a good amount of my time learning and experimenting with these tools every single week.

Fitness and Health

I spend 10 hours a week in the gym and get upwards of 40,000 steps a week. I say it a lot that you can only truly bring out your best self if you prioritize your fitness and health, and in this case, I always put my money where my mouth is.